While production models should generally have fully defined sketches
When making a drawing in SolidWorks, you can make entities called "Blocks," which may be comprised of any single sketch entity or combination of sketch entities. Relations can then be made between these Blocks in a similar fashion to the way sketch entities in a part are related, or parts are mated. In this article, we'll be creating a set of different blocks and then relating them to each other on a new drawing. Let's take a look!
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When attempting to fully define a sketch in SOLIDWORKS, users often struggle to find those final missing dimensions or geometric relations. The easiest way to find these is to drag sketch entities and watch how they change.
Users should not be afraid of moving sketch entities around to find missing dimensions or geometric relations. Any changes that may break a sketch can be easily undone with the Undo button above the sketch area.
However, if a segment of a sketch appears blue, indicating the segment is under-defined, it can't be moved. Displaying identity points can provide clues when searching for missing dimensions and relations.
Under the Tools menu, select Options and then enable the Sketch category. A checkbox will become visible titled, "Display entity points in part/assembly sketches." Checking and accepting this change will reveal the end points of all line segments within the sketch.

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